Monday, March 10, 2008

Refer Ubuntu and get a cup of coffee from your friend

What would you do if you want to receive thanks and a cup of coffee from your friend? Simple-refer him/her to install Ubuntu Linux and wait for his reply which will come with a heartfull of thanks and proposal for a cup of coffee.

The following email conversation is between two friends. A friend gets frustrated with Linux asks for help, scolds Linux commenting 'Linux Sucks' but finally... read the email yourself.
(I can't, obviously, give my email id and password to check this email so I've included the email conversation as 3 jpeg files. For obvious reasons, I have blured out the email addresses)

So refer Linux and get scolded but refer Ubuntu and get a cup of coffee free from your friend.

[Update: With a small mistake in the file names, the second and third images happened to be same; now corrected.]

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